Today I went on a trip to Stratford, Shakespeare town! You can find his birthplace there and his grave (in an old church near the altar). By that time people believed that one would go to heaven more easily if he or she was lying close to God - on earth there is only one perfect place and that's in a church!
Here is a nice little picture of it:
Actually Stratford is not only known for Shakespeare, but also for its swans - Shakespeare was also called the Swan of Stratford by some of his friends. Today there is plenty of buildings using the swan as a symbol or name. For example the "Black Swan" - which by the way is a great pub! (Thx Vicky for the guide!!!) In my guide (Lonely Planet Great Britain)it says: "If you only have one drink in Stratford, come here. It's almost as essential as a trip to the theatre. Officially called the Black Swan, this enchanting alehouse is a favourite postperformance thespian (nice word isn't it?) watering hole, and has a roll call of former regulars that reads like an actors "Who's who". It's in a very pretty location across from the river" (p.425)
Well I think there is nothing to add to this description but one or two pictures:
That's it for now! Soon I'll tell you a little bit more about Wolverhampton and the fine differences between Continental Europe and the Island people I am living with these days!
4 Kommentare:
hey there!
hope you enjoyed your drink at the dirty duck :-)
weather here is great, sun is shining, wish you were here...
tomorrow i'll go to town, hoping that they'll be able to fix my glasses. ;-)
Dachte ich schau mal wies dir im Ausland so geht und da hab i den link im studivz gsehn!
Ja klingt ja net schlecht, aber i bin ja richtig froh, dass die sanitären anlagen im studentenheim nicht nur in russland a bissal putzbedürftig sind ;o)
Wünsch dir no a schöne Zeit auf der Insel und hoff es wird so cool wie bei uns!
liebe Grüße aus dem kalten Russland,
hey rafael,
have fun in england!
hope you are having as much fun as i am ;-)
all the best from nice,
Wünsche dir und Vicky ein schönes WE in Dublin, trinkt ein Bier auf meine Kosten - oder einen Whisky oder .......
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